District Appeal
District Appeal

District Appeal

October 2021

Dear Al-Anon and Alateen members in District 15,

This appeal letter is for all members of District 15, Al-Anon Family Groups.

Due to the pandemic, closing of our in-person meetings, and lack of donations, District 15 has not met its budget goals for 2021. Despite an already lean budget based on minimal operating expenses, we have had to start using our prudent reserve to make ends meet. The District Office continues to serve as the Literature Distribution Center for District 15 and neighboring districts, as well as operate an answering service for anyone looking for information and help with the family disease of alcoholism. Our expenses are about $1100 per month and we have about $7500 in our prudent reserve. If we continue to use our prudent reserve through the end of the year, we will spend about half of it.

We are asking individual members to consider donating personally and groups to consider donating a larger percentage of their 7th tradition monies to our District.
Please make checks payable to District 15 AFG and send to:

District 15 AFG
Attention: Treasurer
17259 Hesperian Blvd., Suites 4-5
San Lorenzo, CA, 94580

Groups, please be sure to include your Group WSO ID Number on your checks. Thank you for your continued support!

With gratitude,

Liz K.
District 15 Alternate DR